Monday, June 23, 2014

Hello Again my wonderful Family that I love so very Much!

Well this past week has been a pretty wonderful and fantastic and great and amazing and super and just overall good week full of fun and hard things. I love Missionary Work! It is the best thing in the whole world, nothing beats it!

HOLLY COW!!!! I hit my year mark this week! Thursday. I will have been a missionary for exactly one year! How crazy is that?!?!??!?! wow. I have some much more work to do................I LOVE IT!!!! I am truly and exceedingly excited for the coming year :) What better way to spend the next 369 days?? if anyone can give me a better answer than being a missionary then I will give them................a card............pass it out.......miracles happen.........oh yeah we had some pretty amazing miracles come our way this past week but I will get to those later :) I am almost a year old!!! that means I will be 12 in mission years, I can pass the sacrament! YAY!!! :) how am I going to celebrate Thursday? I need to do something truly awesome, like baptize someone..........oh wait that's right.........we have a baptism this Saturday with one of our Investigators!!!!! :) :) :) :) yep, she was interviewed for baptism on Saturday and she will be baptized this Saturday at 10 am! that's 8 am for your time. I am so so so so so excited for her! :) oh exciting is that? so my new companion is Elder Ludwig, he is from Nevada and California, he got here on Tuesday and we have had miracle after miracle with him, it has been so so so so great! we were able to set three people for baptism in the past week and two of them were with Elder Ludwig, we actually had a great miracle on Tuesday, (the day he came in), we were at a dinner appointment and I left my planner there and then we ran to our second appointment and while we were there and rushing so that we could get back to receive Elder Ludwig we got a call from President Baker and he told us that Elder Ludwig was not on the plane cause the MTC didn't give him his travel itinerary so we then had time to run back to the members home to grab my planner and so I grabbed it and then when we were riding on we passed this lady whom was getting her mail and we stopped and we talked with her about the church and we taught her the Restoration and she was very receptive and she kept asking "so where is the church, I really want to come this Sunday" and then we prayed with her and she started to cry really heavily, she said that she truly felt our love and that she knew that God loved her :) so we set a return appointment and we were able to see her on Saturday and she was one of the investigators that we set for baptism and she came to church yesterday, it was the best investigator attendance scenario ever. She was picked up by a member and she was fellowshipped by all the relief society sisters and all we did was teach the Gospel Principles Class and then we said Welcome and Good bye, we have a return appointment for this Wednesday so we are so excited for her, what a miracle! :) :) we taught near 20 lessons last week, I am so happy that things are picking up, these last three or so months things have been pretty slow, we were still working hard and even, dare I say it, harder than we are now, but I can feel that our labor have been just enough for God to bless our area for our diligence:) I am just so excited to be here for it :)

Training is really weird. I love it, it is very fun and humbling and excellent to help Elder Ludwig start his mission off right but when I do all the practices with him and we watch all the training videos and we hve an extra hour of studies every morning it reminds me of my training and I don't like that very much, I really didn't like been trained. I actually hated it, I can talk your telling you how much I struggled being trained and how that was the hardest part of my mission so far so with me being reminded I don't like it very much but I love being in a different area with two great companions so I am very happy to be here! :) YAY! but training is going very well, Elder Ludwig has had so many opportunities to get out and work and find people and invite them to be baptized and come to church and take our cards and feed us dinner and give us some time to tell them the truth...........I almost envy Elder Ludwig cause of where he gets to start his mission and who he gets to be with...............just sayin. I must say that I am a pretty good trainer, I wish that I had me as a trainer.

I have been so ridiculously happy lately. I am starting to scare some of the recent converts here. these past few weeks I have been getting all these sideways comments like "why are you always smiling? and Stop being so happy! and do you ever not smile? and some times they say.......bibbily bop to da frop Elder Zonts dag gum flippin happy to do da mission smiles and stuf dag gum tell you what"........I think that one is the best. tell you what! HAHAHAAHAHAHAH!

I think I am bipolar. and that's not me being funny. I really think that I have high-functioning Bipolarity. either that or I am fully coming to realize the power of the Atonement.......I'd like to claim the latter but I am not sure which is which is which and which is not which.......if you know what I'm screamin. Word. Pastor Grunt! AMEN!!!

So these past seven ish days we have had a literal daily doche of crazy from the great people of Downtown Newport News. Everyone is always high so when we see them it stuff like "hey this here is my brother, (he wasn't his brother) and he is a Lepracon. and then when we were walking away he just straight up was like "you know you're killing a gini right!! yeah, killin him". We had a guy walking down the street who stopped and was all "Jesus is lord of this neighborhood, Jesus is king and lord, keep moving on, keep moving on, and then when we were riding on he was yelling You don't know the Word of God, you word the don't God know the word, Jesus is King of lord, keep goin" he was straight crazy. and no one makes sense when they talk! It is the funniest think in the whole world. Elder Ludwig is probably scared that his sanity is slowly disappearing. hahahahahah. and that's my week! I love it all so much!! lots of love!

Well I love you guys very much!! :)

Have a great week and have a party for me on Thursday! i'll be partying, that's for sure! PAR TAY!!

Love you guys!

Elder Anthony Zonts

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hello my favorite and bestest family in the whole world! :) Good day and salutations!

So this past week was a very good and great week for me! :) not a lot of super fun stuff like that happened or other stuff but lots of.............yeah.........not the best of weeks but still a good week! :) so last Monday I talked about how I was going to do some crazy nerdy stuff: Dungeons and Dragons baby! All hale the mighty Dragon! So we did that last Monday, some of y recent converts are the nerdiest and geekiest guys I know, I love them! so we played DND Decent and it seriously took them 1.37 hours to set the stupid board up before we could finally play, we set it up first and then the "Overlord" came and he set it up a different way and then when we finally started to play we played for an hour and then we had a dinner appointment so we got picked up for that; it was with our branch President and his wife :) after dinner we had two or three appointments fall through so we tried to check on some people and then stuff but no! We had about ten appointments fall through this past week so yeah, things could have been a little better with appointments and stuff but you know, those weeks happen some times! and then Tuesday came and yeah.....Tuesday was a rain day: it rained all day on Tuesday so we ran to our Recent Convers house and we were with them for about four hours while we waited for the storm to pass but it didn' we just stayed there with them because we had dinner plans with them anyway! So after another hour or so for dinner we had stayed with and taught them and stuff for almost the whole day because it was so stormy and crazy outside! and that was Tuesday, full of nothing but rain and rain and rain and more rain. it stunk! but at the same time it was relaxing to sit back a little and just enjoy the rain and the storm, I love storms! and that was that! Wednesday was great! we had three appointments that all followed through and one of them was the best friend on one of the sisters here in the Branch! :) so that was great! It was Sista Leak! so we taught her and then we taught our recent converts mom last week too, it was great! :) on Friday I had an exchange with the Elders in Hampton Virginia and that was great, we did map work for the area for five hours, so I helped the other area get more organized......haha.....ironic!  after we did the map we had dinner with a Vietnam Vet who had all the same stories and habits and such that all other Vets have from Vietnam, it was pretty great! after dinner we had a lesson with a returning less active member who was going to give us a ride to the stake center tomorrow for service. Saturday we did service for the Bishops Store house; we helped the families package up the food and we helped unload everything for them, for this area they usually have one ward and one branch take care of everything for the Bishops storehouse for the whole stake and this month it was Hamptons turn and the Spanish branch so all the Spanish Sisters and the Spanish Elders came and the Zone leaders also came and stuff so that was great! so I had a pretty good Saturday, after service we then had lunch with some Recent converts and then after lunch and after some super hard work: you know, I Slayed A Dragon and I saved a burning bus full of babies from crashing into the river and I stopped a nuclear leak and then I took a nap, all in a day's work! ;) ahhh I am so distracted right now! the guys who are sitting next to me here at the library are watching a movie and it is so hard not to watch with them........Grrrrrrr......movies and girls and other stuff, you're the Devil! and then came Sunday! so for Easter I was asked to give a talk on the Atonement and my Branch President told me to speak about it however I wanted to so first off I wanted to talk about the need or us to have an Atonement; I was going to pull out some great versus and chapters in Alma an d I would make a few references to the bible and I had that pretty well prepared, well as prepared as I am usually; remember how Elder Bednar came to Roanoke Rapids and spoke to the Ward in July, well he gave everyone advice on how to follow the spirits promptings during talks and life and his advice was to not take a single note to the pulpit for your address so that is what I usually do; not a single note, just scriptures at the for-front of my mind and then the spirit says exactly what God wants me to say through the spirit and that has worked very well for me lately! :) well I had spent the morning getting some good versus and such together and I felt pretty good about speaking and then when I was just about to get up and speak I thought to myself, I think this talk might be a little too long for the time that I had: they had me and my companion and another sister and the Branch president and a special musical number on the program so I had about 5.7 minutes to speak so the impression came to change my topic at the last minute, it wasn't a total topic change but I had read through that morning about how it was that Christ was able to Atone in the first place so I spoke super fast about how that was: he was the perfect and he was the only being capable of making an infinite and eternal sacrifice for the law to be fulfilled and thus we could be Reclaimed from the grasps of Justice! So I spoke on that and it was very short and to the point and I think I took about four minutes to address everyone, I felt the spirit very powerfully yesterday, what a wonderful Easter Service! I am very glad that I was apart of it! After Sacrament we then had a gospel discussion with a sister about sins of omission and sins of.......those other ones........and it made me remember that I need to work on a lot of those, the sins of omission, just remember my wonderful family, no one is exempt from duty! For dinner yesterday we went to Sister Henry's house and we ate with sister henry and then another family and an older brother from the Branch. Dinner was delicious! we ate a huge ham and a green bean casserole and some Resurrection potatoes! Delicious! So my Easter was pretty great and delicious and Spiritual :D and that was my week! :) it was a pretty great and good and wonderful week if you ask me! :)

Well I hope that you guys have a great week too! :) I love you so much!

With Love from your missionary brother and son!

Elder Anthony R Zonts

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hello my wondeful Famerrrry............... thats asian for Family!
Holly cow this past week has been one of the best weeks of my whole life......mission life......great life.......happy life.......Yay! :) whats life, how do we live, is living as easy as just breathing, what life have we had to live to be able to live the life we are living life with??????? That reminds me of some craziness that happened this past week and its a long story but i will tie it back to life. So last week on Wednesday Elder Haderlie and i biked downtown at 9:07 AM to help one of our recent converts move some of his elderly fathers stuff to his lodge home and so we were downtown much earlier than we normally are. Well we finished with that and we started to bike home and while on the way we looked over and we saw a young man waiting at a bus stop and Elder Haderlie was like, "Hey, we know him" and i took a second look and was like "yeah, we do know him". It was a less active member from the Young Single adult ward who lives in our boundries and so we biked over and we started to say hi and we asked him whats up and he just looked at us and said "yeah im just waiting for the bus so that i can go to my uncels house and shoot myself." He had plans to kill himself that day. so we did not let him out of our sight, we bused with him to his uncles house in Hampton and His uncle threw down on him and his 'crap'. that man was so bold and profound, it was like there was absolutly no argument with him. This young man's main reason to kill himself was that he said that he knew that he was a good person and he refused to live in a world that was so evil and corrupt. But his uncle just threw out "if you kill yourself then all you gonna do is sink yourself right down to Hell" he threw down in the funniest Southern way. "all you gots to do in dis life is live and survive and hope to God that he will make a man out of yourself so that you can help others". So we bused back to Newport with him and we walked him home and then we bought him a burger at Bronx Deli and we stayed with him for another hour. he showed me some of his raps, he goes to this recording studio here in Newport News and he records his rapps and they are so good. they are clean too. One morning i woke up and i had one of them stuck in my head. He is awesome, and that was partly why we were so scared for him, he is a great guy and he has so much to live for but he was caught on an idea. Well he was okay, we stayed with him until we knew that he was okay and we went about teaching other people that day, we acctualy taught 8 people on Wednesday, that day was a very very good day! I just had the best feeling in the world come over me that i was in the exact spot doing exactally what God wanted me to do in the very momment that i was needed and a life was saved! What a wonderful Feeling! :) So that young man came to church with us on Sunday, a huge step for him, and while we were in Gospel Doctrine class we were learning about our heavenly Family and he purposed a question "what can a man learn that will take him a whole lifetime?"! and the answer came in the lesson "the biggest thing we can learn here in this life is how it is that we will live Eternally" and then one of his questions was "what else is it that i need to learn here in life?" now this young man is convinced that he is a very very good person and i agree that he is a great guy and that he makes many good choices but he feels that he has learned all that he needs to learn and he was ready to move on to the next world. But then in the lesson he just Exclaimed "I get it!!" i am here living my life right now with the knowledge i have and my personallity for one purpose, and that is to teach others" it was so good to hear him say that! so now he is determined to spread the Gospel and teach those that are less fortunate than he! i am so happy for him and for his Life. There you go, Life!
Another Crazy experiences was, well first some crazy news. i am in a trio now! Elder Bauman who was serving in Hampton is now here with Elder Haderlie and I. his companion who is a 19 year old E-5 in the military, almost unheard of, was called back to active duty so Elder Bauman needed someone to be with so now he is with us! YAY! i like Elder Bauman. so the experience! i was on exchange with Elder Bauman in Hampton on Thursday and Friday. well friday morning we get a call from the mission office telling us that there was a brother sick in the hospital from Washington who is terminaly ill and he wants a blessing. so we biked over to the hospital in 23 degree wheather and we gave this man a blessing. his wife told us that all they wanted was for him to receive enought strength to travel back home to Washington, she wasnt expecting a total healing just help. so we gave him the blessing and it was a wondeful blessing and then not 20 second later the Doctor comes in and tell them that all of his tests just came back and he has stabalized enough to merrit a release in the next 20 minutes. The wife couldnt help but cry into her husbands sholder and she told us "now try and tell me that Blessings dont work"! it was a wonderful ecperience! :)
I have one more thing to report on this past week! We had a baptism on Saturday! :) i dont remember if i told you that we had one coming up here soon but His name is Jay and he was Baptized on Saturday! It was such a great service. we have an elderly man here with an incredible story who bore his testimony and it made me cry, we have a brother here who was acctualy a high ranking member of the Bloods on the east coast that goes all the way up to Jersey, his name is Brother Leak, and he gave a talk on the Holy Ghost and it was so inspiring. his story is so crazy and he could relate to Jay really well and he brought in the spirit so strongly! yeah, that was a great Baptism! I am so happy to have been a part of it! :)
So that was my week! it was a great week! a week full of many great things and many
amazing experiences! i am in a trio now and it snowed yesterday and the whole state was shut down and i may have helped save a man from dying last week and i got to see another baptism and i threw my companion out a window and i helped like 40 people move and My Pets Heads Are Falling Off!! yeah, it was a good Week! :)
I love you all so so so so so much! i miss you guys! i hope you have a very good week and i hope that you see many miricles in the coming days! :)
With love and care from your Missionary Brother and Son!
Elder Anthony Zonts

Monday, February 10, 2014

Hello my wonderful family! :) I love you guys so much! my family is so awesome! they are just the best ever in da whole world! YAY!
So I have much to report on for this past week! I am having such a great time here in Downtown Newport News! :) it is awesome! There are many many people out and about all the time so we get to talk to people so much! we talked to two guys yesterday, one on one corner or the block and then we rode three seconds away and had a lesson with another guy on the other side of that intersection, it was awesome! I love being around a bunch of people! I already have some crazy cool stories about where I serve and it hasn't even been a week yet! the first funny thing that happened to me yesterday was that we were riding late at night in da ghetto and a black cat just darted right in front of us and I almost killed it........I almost crashed because of a stupid cat! yeah, the roads are crazy and they are always busy and the people are all super crazy and high on something all the time........ I LOVE IT!! I cant do quite country, its way too boring. I love the city. Downtown Newport Baby! and this might sound terrible and it is terrible, very very terrible, but apparently a cop got shot two days ago and he was killed so now there are SO many cops rolling through downtown so I guess it makes it much safer for us! Elder Haderlie has been here in downtown for 8 months now and he said that before now cops were never gutsy enough to role through the hood until now. so some exciting stuff is happening! I like it! I was able to meet my new branch yesterday as well. our building is a converted old bank building so our library is a vault! it is so cool. the branch itself is tiny and we are like the only white members but it is still awesome! the thing that I am most excited for here is that we stay busy all the time! I love being busy, especially on a bike. I love to ride and I love the city so when I can ride through the city while I teach people about the gospel then all the better. I am just very excited! ohh and I lost my planner in da hood yesterday. I was riding and then I think I droped my planner somewhere and I will never see it again. downtown is so ghetto! there are always people just walking everywhere and they all have dreads and baggy pants and guns and all kinds of crazy stuff. Elder Haderlie told me that for New Years he heard like twenty thousand rounds just being fired off, I wish I could have been here for that! :) ohh and I am back here with Elder Marinos too, he's the man! I was able to play more Oompa-Loompa this morning and there are some crazy changes to my new zone and stuff and I am just so excited. I hope I don't get shot though.........that would stink.....but I would have some crazy cool stories to tell! so that is what is new with me. this last week I had transfers on Thursday and so I came up here to Newport and so on the first day we were out seeing people for seven hours! ohh and our apartment is at the top of our area because it is the 'safest' part of the area but then we bike like 4 miles to get to where we do our work... but its great! :) but it was a great first day. we also helped someone move the second day and then I met some recent converts and then we had some lessons and then I met this guy who was baptized about a month ago and he is the most thug guys I have ever met in my entire life! to get his kids attention he does this hood yell where its like "HEEEEEEAAAAAYYYYYYOOOOO" and his voice is super deep and its so funny! so the Hood life is the life for me, at least for a little while. My companion warned me about getting the 'jungle fever' though.....that's when you start to get attracted to black girls............don't catch the fever............once you go black you wont ever go back..............yep! so that is what is new with me! I am back here in Newport and I am so excited, I'm on top of the world! hey, Pres. Baker changed the music rule so that now we can listen to more music so I am very excited about that! :) YAY! lots of fun stuff happening with me! I am just very excited! Biking in da hood! straight up!
So Dad, you asked me last week about getting me some dry goods foods yummy stuffs! well my apartment is full of a big huge fat nothing.......I would love some dry foods goods yummy stuff! and we aren't really fed that well yeah! that would be awesome! :) but nothing sweet, nothing too sweet at least, no candy and no chocolate! Please and thank you so so so much! :) yeah, its pretty crazy here. the apartment is the smallest thing I have ever seen missionaries live in, and we are getting a third companion next transfer.....they usually have a trio downtown but this transfer they had an even amount of missionaries so they only needed the Dream Team downtown! I love Elder Haderlie! He's The Man! and my apartment is called Huntington on the James because I am about thirty seconds away from the James River! IT IS SO SWEEET!!!!  
Well, I love you guys so so so so so so much! I miss you lots but I don't think that will be a problem here soon. I love Downtown! I just love being busy, we were not busy in Roanoke and I hated it! so lame! but now I am busy and I love it! I have only been in Downtown for three days now and we have taught more lessons and found more people than we did in two weeks in Roanoke! it was very hard, but now its a different kind of hard, a more fun kind of hard! :D Yay, Excited! I am just so smiley and happy, now that's just weird, I am happy to be in da hood and da ghetto. but yeah! The mission will do that to ya!
Ohh and I have big news! My mission president will be coming out on splits with us on Tuesday! Yep, Pres Baker is coming to the hood. at first I was like.........."does he have a bike?" I was picturing him riding with us to our appointments but then I was like.....ohhhh wait, he has a car....." does he want to park his Lincoln or his Highlander in the hood?".......Tuesday is going to be so fun and awesome!
So that is what is new with me! lots of exciting things and lots of stuff to do! I love it! I am so excited for it! I want more of it! more work and more people to teach and more fun stuff to do! I am just very excited......if you couldn't tell! ohh have I told you that I am very excited to be here! yeah, I am excited...... but not to get shot....or mugged.....or beaten.....or bruised.....or a cat.....or a dog......or a couch.....yeah, I don't want that!
I hope that you guys have a great week too! :) I love you all so much! :) I miss you and I want all of you to be happy and don't worry about me, if I die then I will die serving the Lord!!!! I am totally kidding, a missionary hasn't been shot here in like two worries! hehe!
With lots of boats and barges and ships full of love (get it! I am literally like a stones throw away from the James River) from you missionary Brother and Son!
Elder Anthony R Zonts