Monday, April 21, 2014

Hello my favorite and bestest family in the whole world! :) Good day and salutations!

So this past week was a very good and great week for me! :) not a lot of super fun stuff like that happened or other stuff but lots of.............yeah.........not the best of weeks but still a good week! :) so last Monday I talked about how I was going to do some crazy nerdy stuff: Dungeons and Dragons baby! All hale the mighty Dragon! So we did that last Monday, some of y recent converts are the nerdiest and geekiest guys I know, I love them! so we played DND Decent and it seriously took them 1.37 hours to set the stupid board up before we could finally play, we set it up first and then the "Overlord" came and he set it up a different way and then when we finally started to play we played for an hour and then we had a dinner appointment so we got picked up for that; it was with our branch President and his wife :) after dinner we had two or three appointments fall through so we tried to check on some people and then stuff but no! We had about ten appointments fall through this past week so yeah, things could have been a little better with appointments and stuff but you know, those weeks happen some times! and then Tuesday came and yeah.....Tuesday was a rain day: it rained all day on Tuesday so we ran to our Recent Convers house and we were with them for about four hours while we waited for the storm to pass but it didn' we just stayed there with them because we had dinner plans with them anyway! So after another hour or so for dinner we had stayed with and taught them and stuff for almost the whole day because it was so stormy and crazy outside! and that was Tuesday, full of nothing but rain and rain and rain and more rain. it stunk! but at the same time it was relaxing to sit back a little and just enjoy the rain and the storm, I love storms! and that was that! Wednesday was great! we had three appointments that all followed through and one of them was the best friend on one of the sisters here in the Branch! :) so that was great! It was Sista Leak! so we taught her and then we taught our recent converts mom last week too, it was great! :) on Friday I had an exchange with the Elders in Hampton Virginia and that was great, we did map work for the area for five hours, so I helped the other area get more organized......haha.....ironic!  after we did the map we had dinner with a Vietnam Vet who had all the same stories and habits and such that all other Vets have from Vietnam, it was pretty great! after dinner we had a lesson with a returning less active member who was going to give us a ride to the stake center tomorrow for service. Saturday we did service for the Bishops Store house; we helped the families package up the food and we helped unload everything for them, for this area they usually have one ward and one branch take care of everything for the Bishops storehouse for the whole stake and this month it was Hamptons turn and the Spanish branch so all the Spanish Sisters and the Spanish Elders came and the Zone leaders also came and stuff so that was great! so I had a pretty good Saturday, after service we then had lunch with some Recent converts and then after lunch and after some super hard work: you know, I Slayed A Dragon and I saved a burning bus full of babies from crashing into the river and I stopped a nuclear leak and then I took a nap, all in a day's work! ;) ahhh I am so distracted right now! the guys who are sitting next to me here at the library are watching a movie and it is so hard not to watch with them........Grrrrrrr......movies and girls and other stuff, you're the Devil! and then came Sunday! so for Easter I was asked to give a talk on the Atonement and my Branch President told me to speak about it however I wanted to so first off I wanted to talk about the need or us to have an Atonement; I was going to pull out some great versus and chapters in Alma an d I would make a few references to the bible and I had that pretty well prepared, well as prepared as I am usually; remember how Elder Bednar came to Roanoke Rapids and spoke to the Ward in July, well he gave everyone advice on how to follow the spirits promptings during talks and life and his advice was to not take a single note to the pulpit for your address so that is what I usually do; not a single note, just scriptures at the for-front of my mind and then the spirit says exactly what God wants me to say through the spirit and that has worked very well for me lately! :) well I had spent the morning getting some good versus and such together and I felt pretty good about speaking and then when I was just about to get up and speak I thought to myself, I think this talk might be a little too long for the time that I had: they had me and my companion and another sister and the Branch president and a special musical number on the program so I had about 5.7 minutes to speak so the impression came to change my topic at the last minute, it wasn't a total topic change but I had read through that morning about how it was that Christ was able to Atone in the first place so I spoke super fast about how that was: he was the perfect and he was the only being capable of making an infinite and eternal sacrifice for the law to be fulfilled and thus we could be Reclaimed from the grasps of Justice! So I spoke on that and it was very short and to the point and I think I took about four minutes to address everyone, I felt the spirit very powerfully yesterday, what a wonderful Easter Service! I am very glad that I was apart of it! After Sacrament we then had a gospel discussion with a sister about sins of omission and sins of.......those other ones........and it made me remember that I need to work on a lot of those, the sins of omission, just remember my wonderful family, no one is exempt from duty! For dinner yesterday we went to Sister Henry's house and we ate with sister henry and then another family and an older brother from the Branch. Dinner was delicious! we ate a huge ham and a green bean casserole and some Resurrection potatoes! Delicious! So my Easter was pretty great and delicious and Spiritual :D and that was my week! :) it was a pretty great and good and wonderful week if you ask me! :)

Well I hope that you guys have a great week too! :) I love you so much!

With Love from your missionary brother and son!

Elder Anthony R Zonts

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