Monday, June 23, 2014

Hello Again my wonderful Family that I love so very Much!

Well this past week has been a pretty wonderful and fantastic and great and amazing and super and just overall good week full of fun and hard things. I love Missionary Work! It is the best thing in the whole world, nothing beats it!

HOLLY COW!!!! I hit my year mark this week! Thursday. I will have been a missionary for exactly one year! How crazy is that?!?!??!?! wow. I have some much more work to do................I LOVE IT!!!! I am truly and exceedingly excited for the coming year :) What better way to spend the next 369 days?? if anyone can give me a better answer than being a missionary then I will give them................a card............pass it out.......miracles happen.........oh yeah we had some pretty amazing miracles come our way this past week but I will get to those later :) I am almost a year old!!! that means I will be 12 in mission years, I can pass the sacrament! YAY!!! :) how am I going to celebrate Thursday? I need to do something truly awesome, like baptize someone..........oh wait that's right.........we have a baptism this Saturday with one of our Investigators!!!!! :) :) :) :) yep, she was interviewed for baptism on Saturday and she will be baptized this Saturday at 10 am! that's 8 am for your time. I am so so so so so excited for her! :) oh exciting is that? so my new companion is Elder Ludwig, he is from Nevada and California, he got here on Tuesday and we have had miracle after miracle with him, it has been so so so so great! we were able to set three people for baptism in the past week and two of them were with Elder Ludwig, we actually had a great miracle on Tuesday, (the day he came in), we were at a dinner appointment and I left my planner there and then we ran to our second appointment and while we were there and rushing so that we could get back to receive Elder Ludwig we got a call from President Baker and he told us that Elder Ludwig was not on the plane cause the MTC didn't give him his travel itinerary so we then had time to run back to the members home to grab my planner and so I grabbed it and then when we were riding on we passed this lady whom was getting her mail and we stopped and we talked with her about the church and we taught her the Restoration and she was very receptive and she kept asking "so where is the church, I really want to come this Sunday" and then we prayed with her and she started to cry really heavily, she said that she truly felt our love and that she knew that God loved her :) so we set a return appointment and we were able to see her on Saturday and she was one of the investigators that we set for baptism and she came to church yesterday, it was the best investigator attendance scenario ever. She was picked up by a member and she was fellowshipped by all the relief society sisters and all we did was teach the Gospel Principles Class and then we said Welcome and Good bye, we have a return appointment for this Wednesday so we are so excited for her, what a miracle! :) :) we taught near 20 lessons last week, I am so happy that things are picking up, these last three or so months things have been pretty slow, we were still working hard and even, dare I say it, harder than we are now, but I can feel that our labor have been just enough for God to bless our area for our diligence:) I am just so excited to be here for it :)

Training is really weird. I love it, it is very fun and humbling and excellent to help Elder Ludwig start his mission off right but when I do all the practices with him and we watch all the training videos and we hve an extra hour of studies every morning it reminds me of my training and I don't like that very much, I really didn't like been trained. I actually hated it, I can talk your telling you how much I struggled being trained and how that was the hardest part of my mission so far so with me being reminded I don't like it very much but I love being in a different area with two great companions so I am very happy to be here! :) YAY! but training is going very well, Elder Ludwig has had so many opportunities to get out and work and find people and invite them to be baptized and come to church and take our cards and feed us dinner and give us some time to tell them the truth...........I almost envy Elder Ludwig cause of where he gets to start his mission and who he gets to be with...............just sayin. I must say that I am a pretty good trainer, I wish that I had me as a trainer.

I have been so ridiculously happy lately. I am starting to scare some of the recent converts here. these past few weeks I have been getting all these sideways comments like "why are you always smiling? and Stop being so happy! and do you ever not smile? and some times they say.......bibbily bop to da frop Elder Zonts dag gum flippin happy to do da mission smiles and stuf dag gum tell you what"........I think that one is the best. tell you what! HAHAHAAHAHAHAH!

I think I am bipolar. and that's not me being funny. I really think that I have high-functioning Bipolarity. either that or I am fully coming to realize the power of the Atonement.......I'd like to claim the latter but I am not sure which is which is which and which is not which.......if you know what I'm screamin. Word. Pastor Grunt! AMEN!!!

So these past seven ish days we have had a literal daily doche of crazy from the great people of Downtown Newport News. Everyone is always high so when we see them it stuff like "hey this here is my brother, (he wasn't his brother) and he is a Lepracon. and then when we were walking away he just straight up was like "you know you're killing a gini right!! yeah, killin him". We had a guy walking down the street who stopped and was all "Jesus is lord of this neighborhood, Jesus is king and lord, keep moving on, keep moving on, and then when we were riding on he was yelling You don't know the Word of God, you word the don't God know the word, Jesus is King of lord, keep goin" he was straight crazy. and no one makes sense when they talk! It is the funniest think in the whole world. Elder Ludwig is probably scared that his sanity is slowly disappearing. hahahahahah. and that's my week! I love it all so much!! lots of love!

Well I love you guys very much!! :)

Have a great week and have a party for me on Thursday! i'll be partying, that's for sure! PAR TAY!!

Love you guys!

Elder Anthony Zonts

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